Where is Sataya and Samadai Dolphin located?

Information about Marsa Alam dolphins

Marsa Alam contains two of the most important dolphin habitats in the Red Sea and the world: the Samadai Dolphin House and Sataya Dolphin Place. Both of these reefs are home to large families of spinner dolphins.

Can I swim with dolphins?

Yes, there is a good chance that you can swim with dolphins in these two places (Samadai and Sataya trip)

What are the common types of dolphins in the Red Sea?

There are eight species in the group, seven of which have been long-term residents: the bottlenose dolphin, Bryde’s whale, Pacific bottlenose dolphin, tropical tongs dolphin, Risso’s dolphin, spinner dolphin, and long-beaked common dolphin. Humpback dolphins, whose natural habitat is the East African coast, have also been seen.

Which of this dolphin house am I most likely to see in Marsa Alam?

It might be one of these three species: the bottlenose dolphin, the Indo-Pacific dolphin, or the spinner dolphin.

Is it true that dolphins sometimes protect swimmers from sharks?

Yes, at least one case occurred in the Red Sea off Sinai. In 1996, a 29-year-old diver was severely bitten on the left shoulder, back and stomach. But then dolphins came in and circled him, flapping their fins and tails and scaring the shark away. This event was witnessed by many other divers. The victim survived but had to spend some time in the hospital.

How long can dolphins stay underwater?

Bottlenose dolphins can usually stay underwater for about 20 minutes without surfacing, while spinner dolphins can stay underwater for 15 to 17 minutes.

How long do dolphins live?

 Their lifespan depends on the species, but the average life expectancy for bottlenose dolphins is 33 years and spinner dolphins is about 26 years.

How fast do dolphins swim?

hour They can swim at speeds of up to 40 km per.

Do dolphins in the Red Sea feel cold in winter?

when the temperature drops slightly from 29 degrees in August to 22 degrees in February, the insulating fatty tissue of the dolphins becomes thicker in the winter months than in the summer months.

Are dolphins fish?

dolphins are mammals and need to rise to the surface to breathe oxygen occasionally.

How high can dolphins jump?

Some species of dolphins can jump up to five meters out of the water.

Do dolphins have a sense of smell?

No, dolphins cannot smell.

Are dolphins attacked by sharks?

This rarely happens and usually only happens by larger, more aggressive sharks. Dolphins defend groups from each other from attack, so sharks usually look for easier, single prey.

How smart are dolphins?

Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals in the world. These dolphins live in close-knit social groups. The brain of dolphins is much larger than the brain of humans unfortunately, because of their intelligence, dolphins were used in the recovery of mines in the American lake and in military operations in Vietnam and the Arabian Gulf.

Are dolphins always heterosexual?

 No. There are many examples of dolphins engaging in homosexual sex and even sex with dolphins of other species and animals, including casual sex with humans.

What do dolphins eat?

They eat a variety of fish, including squid and octopus. They ea to be content with the most abundant species available to them. Therefore, their diet varies depending on location and season. Bottlenose dolphins feed most often after dawn or shortly before sunset. Bottlenose dolphins eat between 8 and 15 kilograms of fish per day. Dolphins hunt fish in groups using various tactics, including echolocation, where fish are chased into shallow waters where they are easier to catch. Echolocation, a clicking sound that they ignore, can also be used to locate schools of fish.

What is the biggest threat to dolphins?

Humans are their biggest threat. It is estimated that in the past 50 years, up to 30 million dolphins may have been hunted. Dolphins are accidentally caught in fishing nets and once they fall into the trap they are unable to come up to the surface to breathe. Environmental pollution and overfishing have also led to a decrease in the number of fish that dolphins depend on for survival. Dolphins are also hunted for their nutritional value. In Japan, the price of some types of dolphin meat may reach $ 50 per kilogram. Other fishermen simply hunt them because they do not want the dolphins to eat the fish, which may reduce their catch and profits. However, in some countries, such as Marsa Alam, there is a reserve to protect dolphins from extinction. There are many species that tourists go to see and play with daily.

Do dolphins attack humans?

It is very rare, as it is much less likely than a shark attack, which in itself is not always likely. These dolphins are usually friendly and interact well with humans, but when they seem unwilling to play or interact, you should not try to swim behind them or try to touch them. However, there have been no cases of attacks in the Red Sea, although a very small number of them have been recorded in other places in the world, such as the coast of Brazil. On the other hand, there are many stories of dolphins saving people from drowning and shark attacks.

Can I go on dolphin trips and how?

Yes. Get close to one of the most intelligent and playful creatures in the world, which are dolphins. We highly recommend a day trip to the famous Sataya Reef, one of the great wonders of the natural world, where a large group of spinner dolphins have made this coral reef their home. Cascia Taxi company organizes a day trip to Sataya Reef every day. This trip includes round-trip transportation from the hotel, lunch, soft drinks, water, and snorkeling equipment, in addition to the boat and a private snorkeling guide. You will not find the trip tiring, but It will be very enjoyable and you will not forget it for the rest of your life. You will dive twice to see the dolphins play with them and see the coral reefs.

Check the trip price Page Dolphin House reef

To book dolphin trips, WhatsApp +201285800089 or email contact@casciataxi.com.