Marsa Alam diving guide

The coral reefs along the coast of Marsa Alam are considered one of the most wonderful and beautiful true diving treasures. There you can get close to spinner dolphins, bottle-nosed dolphins, green turtles, beaked turtles, the charming and endangered sea cows (sea cows), and types of sharks, in addition to very many types of colorful coral reefs and fish.

The coral reefs in Marsa Alam are free from the environmental damage that has befallen some of the coral reefs in the north. While the diving sites suffer from the large number of divers in Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh, the Marsa Alam sites are considered among the calmest and most beautiful sites where you can enjoy diving without having to collide with a lot of water.

The best time for diving is during the summer months when the average water temperature reaches 30 degrees Celsius, although it is not so bad in the winter when the temperature in January is 24 degrees. Therefore, a 3mm wetsuit is suitable during the period from May to September. A 5mm wetsuit will be more appropriate during the colder months. When planning to visit Marsa Alam and dive, please pay attention to the winter months from January to March as it is a longer period with faster winds, higher waves and sea turbulence.

Although no diving trips are cancelled, the diving trip can be limited to nearby places and natural reserves only.

We recommend either excursion on our Staya Reef or for other excursions we recommend Emperor Drivers who have an empire of nearly 25 years of experience in the Red Sea and were the first dive center inside Port Ghalib in the early 2000s so no one knows sites like them. In addition, they have an outstanding security record, are fully licensed and insured, and have won numerous awards for their service, including awards over the years from the Certificate of Excellence and others. They have diving centers in five hotels in the area and offer a free transportation service to anyone staying within 40 kilometers of the airport.

Whether you choose to dive with Empire Drivers or not, their website is a great source of information for anyone wishing to dive in the sites surrounding Marsa Alam. Emperor also has daily dive centers in Hamata, El Gouna and Sharm El Sheikh, and a fleet of safari lifeboats departing from all major Red Sea ports. You can write to us via e-mail or contact us by sending a message to our WhatsApp

1-Marsa Mubarak reefs

You can visit one of the most famous diving sites. What do you think about going on a diving trip by boat to see the wonderful  sealife in Marsa Mubarak Reef near Abu Dabbab? This trip goes out on a daily basis by snorkeling boat, which runs from Burt Ghalib to both the Shoni Bay reefs and the Marsa Mubarak reefs, where you have the opportunity to see Turtles and are one of the most beautiful opportunities in the world to see sea cows, but it is not guaranteed to see sea cows because they do not always appear.

The boat departs from Port Ghalib port at 8:00 in the morning and returns at 3:00 in the afternoon. The cost per person is 45 euros, and this includes soft drinks, plenty of water, a freshly prepared lunch ,  snorkeling equipment, and also return transportation if you are staying in a hotel 30 km from Port Ghalib. As for For tourists staying in distant hotels (please ask)

For more information, you can book via WhatsApp or email

2- Marsa Abu Dabbab Bay

The site is located near the beach, 30 kilometers north of Marsa Alam city. The diving depth there reaches 25 metres, and visibility can be seen from a depth of five to 20 meters in deep areas.  The place is suitable for all levels of diving.

Despite the presence of coral reefs and the difficulty of seeing them frequently, Abu Dabbab Marina is perhaps the best among all the diving sites in Marsa Alam because you can get close to sea turtles and dugongs there. Fortunately, the bay has been closed to boats, which has made snorkeling and diving easier and more comfortable, and the location is suitable. For all skill levels in diving and snorkeling.

You have a good chance of seeing the sea cow, which is always found in Abu Dabbab Denisand Dougal. The sea cow, or sea cow, is a large marine mammal that is brown or dark gray in color. It eats seaweed. It does not have a dorsal fin or hind limbs, but it has front limbs that resemble paddles and a tail like a dolphin. It likes Sea Dugongs The protected shallow waters of Abu Dabbab are the reason for the presence of a lot of their favorite food, which is seaweed, and because of that, they are sometimes referred to as sea cows, unfortunately. Although the age of the dugongs is more than 50 years, the dugongs are numbered and few because they are classified as an endangered species.

The imaginative shallow waters of the waves are an excellent location for viewing large turtles. These large animals are happy to allow divers to approach them, which gives you a wonderful opportunity to take photo with them. They are often accompanied by remora fish, which cling to their shells to help them remove parasites while feeding.

There are also guitar sharks, which are one of the rarest types of sharks in the world. This species is threatened with extinction. It is also found in shallow waters and has a strange appearance, but it is beautiful. There is also a broadray fish. This fish has been hybridized with a real shark, but do not be afraid, it is not Aggressive, but never touch them because flipping its tail may blow your mask away. For more information about diving and snorkeling trips and booking, send us an email or contact us via WhatsApp.

3- Elphinstone Reef

Vinson Reef is the best choice if you are looking for sharks and seeing different types of sharks, but especially great white sharks, which are usually isolated. Divers can tell you that it is the best place for diving, as it reaches four sites in one dive. Please be careful of these wonderful animals, as they They are curious about divers from time to time and bump into divers’ noses, especially near the surface. You must be careful and never feed them.

The reefs in this area attract a huge variety of fascinating marine life, including tuna, blue lunar fusiliers, jacks, black snappers and giant barracudas. that watch the reef from a distance are the only ones that watch the reef from a distance. Legend has it that there is a large arc on the southern side of the reef about 60 km away. Meters below the surface, it contains a coffin of an unknown pharaoh. Divers have reported seeing it and the presence of a rectangle covered with coral reefs near the coffin. You must be careful because the current, although it flows from north to south, but you cannot always predict its direction and strength, so beware.

A suitable place for experienced divers only, as the diving depth ranges from 20 to 70 meters (60 to 200 feet), and its location is 50 km northeast of Marsa Alam and 10 km from the beach.

The length of the upper part of the coral reef plateau here is about 300 meters, its width is 30 meters, and its depth ranges between one and 40 meters, but it is found at its edges near the vertical walls of the cliff. The western part is considered less vertical than the eastern side and is more sandy, with the presence of overhanging caves and small caves.

4- Sataya Reef (Dolphin Reef/ house)

Sataya Reef What makes this reef so special is that very few tour operators currently visit it because it is still an area that is not well known as Sataya Reef,) also known as Dolphin house(.

This means that you have a better chance of swimming near dolphins. Contrary to what you think, these cute animals are beautiful but easily stressed. They often avoid areas where there are many  people and boats.

Diving trips at the Dolphin House are offered daily except Saturday for €45 per person which includes your own transportation, your boat, all necessary permits, a cooked lunch,  private snorkeling equipment, a choice of coffee, tea, bottled water and soft drinks all day.

The price is for a full-day trip, which starts from 7:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon. If the hotel is far away, it is possible to leave at 5:30 or 6:00, and you can contact us via email or WhatsApp.

5- Samdai Reef (also known as Dolphin House)

The diving depth is from 10 to 15 meters (32 to 49 feet). This depth is suitable for all levels of diving. The place is located about 20 km southeast of Marsa Alam.

In this place there is a large family of around 60 spinner dolphins that have taken it as their permanent home because of these coral reefs, which are considered one of the most important dolphin habitats in the world.

However, in 2003, in the summer, a sudden visit by  many of visitors, between 500 and 800 visitors per day, led to a sudden decline in the number of dolphins.

The reefs in this area attract a huge variety of fascinating marine life, including tuna, blue lunar fusiliers, jacks, black snappers and giant barracudas. that watch the reef from a distance are the only ones that watch the reef from a distance. Legend has it that there is a large arc on the southern side of the reef about 60 km away. Meters below the surface, it contains a coffin of an unknown pharaoh. Divers have reported seeing it and the presence of a rectangle covered with coral reefs near the coffin. You must be careful because the current, although it flows from north to south, but you cannot always predict its direction and strength, so beware.

Since then, access to the reefs has been restricted to protect the dolphins using buoys in the water to designate separate areas, one for divers, another for divers only, another for the protection of dolphins, and another for boats. Visiting times are also limited to between 10:00 a.m. and 2 p.m., and the number of tickets sold is limited to 100 tickets only for divers and visitors.

Visitors are not allowed to play with or feed the dolphins because this is not natural for them and may cause them distress. There are also types of spinner dolphins, which are nocturnal animals that return every morning to the shallow waters in the coral reefs to rest.

The coral reef is crescent-shaped and has a small lagoon of sand and seaweed inside it. It is full of marine life, including sea horses, which are usually far away. Divers can also explore some of the underwater caves and at least 12 coral towers. You should only when exploring the caves. You have an experienced guide.

6- Abu Dabbab reefs

The name Abu Dabbab can be translated as the starting point of the father. According to local There are at least six of these reefs, some of which are located a few miles out to sea from Abu Dabbab Marsa. Their depth mostly ranges from 15 to 25 metres, the diving depth is from 15 to 25 metres, and visibility is from 20 to 30 metres, and it is usually shallow.

In one of the coral reefs there is the wreck of a small ship that sank after a fire in 2004. You can dive under the wreck of this ship and dolphins abound in the area. Despite this, you will not always see them, as it is known that they may spend up to 10 minutes with divers. You can also explore a beautiful coral garden and system the cave is underwater. 

legends, when an earthquake struck, the gods were using stones to cross the sea.

7- (Abu Ghosun shipwreck) Abu Ghoson or Abu Gosoon

It is easy to wade in over the sandy bottom. The cargo ship Al-Hamada sank in 1933 and lies on its starboard side in two parts. This ship attracted many types of coral and marine life such as Napoleon fish, surgeon fish, butterfly fish, lion fish and moray eels.

The port portion of the ship is visible near the water line at low tide and suitably qualified divers may be able to swim through parts of the shipwreck including the cargo hold, wheelhouse and engine room. Almost everything on board would have had to be abandoned at this time and now. Items ranging in size from telephones to forklifts have become home to many types of fascinating marine life.

 It is an enchanting and beautiful dive site and a reminder of the delicate harmony and balance between man and the nature.

The diving depth here ranges from 0 to 18 metres. Visibility is from 15 to 30 metres. The location is 68 km southeast of Marsa Alam and is suitable for all levels of diving.

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