Spending a day fishing at sea is a great way to relax, connect with new friends, and eat freshly cooked fish.

 You cannot imagine a better place for fishing in the sea than Marsa Alam. A warm climate, even in winter, beautiful turquoise waters, and a calm, warm sea full of fish all year round, unlike other more seasonal seas. You can also dive, swim, and see coral reefs.

What will you need?

 Remember to bring a towel, swimwear, and snorkeling equipment if you want to explore the coral reefs on the island or just jump in to have fun. Do not hesitate to ask the guide for anything you want. You can also bring a mobile phone, as there is usually fairly good reception at a distance of two or three kilometers. It is lower than the beach, although you cannot be sure of this. You can also take some souvenir photos with your phone.

Legal and environmental considerations

Please also check with your captain what is legal in terms of equipment and the types of fish that can be caught, as the type of fish that can be caught may change according to the season, and nets, harpoons, and guns are never allowed. Also in some areas of the Red Sea, such as Wadi El Gemal and Mount Elba, fishing is not allowed.

The last time it was investigated, there were 1,248 known species of fish in the Red Sea, of which more than 200 species are present in very abundant numbers in the Red Sea.

 Fishing on or near coral reefs, or fishing for turtles, sharks, Napoleon fish, and certain types of other fish, are completely prohibited. Most forms of recreational fishing are legal, provided that the captain obtains the appropriate permits, and fishing is limited to the areas specified in the permit. Finally, please do not leave any trash anywhere, especially plastic.

Hamata Islands

A daily fishing and diving trip in the Hamata Islands. The four Hamata Islands are located off the remote and wild southern Red Sea coast of Egypt, about 130 kilometers south of Marsa Alam and 45 kilometers north of the small settlement of Prince. The islands are distinguished by the presence of some of the most beautiful and diverse coral reefs that you cannot find anywhere in the world and sandy beaches. White and calm lagoons where you can practice diving and see some of the many types of birds that have made the islands their home. You can also often find dugongs, dolphins, clownfish, and sea turtles.

What it contains

Fishing trips often include transportation from the hotel in a private, air-conditioned vehicle. Early pickup from your hotel is usually 6:30-7:30 AM.

 There is also a multilingual translation guide, national park entrance fees, and all snorkeling, fishing, and diving equipment. The trip takes more than seven hours on a licensed large boat.

This cruise includes mineral water, tea, soft drinks, and a freshly cooked meal on board.

 There is a 50% discount on all trips for children under 11 years old.

The Hamata Islands, also known as the Golan Archipelago, consist of four islands, not three islands as some people think. They are Sial, Shawrit, Umm al-Sheikh, and Mahabis. They are located between three and seven kilometers from the coast. There is also a small fifth island that is formed only at high tide but is connected to the coast at low tide. Mangrove trees in Hamata.

All of the islands are located within the Wadi El Gemal National Reserve, where you can find more than 450 species of coral reefs and more than 1,200 species of coral reefs. It is also a wonderful place to see manatees and charming hawksbill turtles, which you can often find grazing in the seagrass meadows that surround the islands. Spinner dolphins and green turtles are also known to live in the Sial Islands.

The islands are also a wonderful haven for bird watching, as they contain very large colonies of seagulls, including the types of birds that visit the archipelago, such as the endangered black hawk, the Caspian tern, the reef heron, the green-backed heron, the reef egret, the red-billed tropical bird, the European penguin, the red reef heron, and the reef egret: western coral gull, white-eyed gull, Hemphrick’s gull, and eagle.

Care must be taken at all times so as not to harm this unique and precious environment, which is home to many endangered species of coral reefs, marine life, and birds. Please do not dispose of any sea rubbish.

Fishing is done using rod and line only of permitted species in permitted deep water areas some distance from the island.

When hunting_remember the environment

Never catch sharks, turtles, Napoleon fish, sea cucumbers, or ornamental fish.

There are some other types of fish, and although they are not threatened with extinction, it is better to avoid catching them, and certain types of fish cannot be caught during the breeding months.

It is not permissible to fish in the marine reserves of Wadi El Gemal or Jebel Elba.

Never fish from or near coral reefs.

. Never use a fishing net, spear, or shotgun.

 Avoid catching small fish.

Do not leave garbage, especially plastic.

Do not touch the coral